Dartington & the South West
Support for social entrepreneurs delivered across the South West of England.
Support for social entrepreneurs across the South West
Since 2009, our team in the South West has produced tailor-made courses to provide an complete package for social entrepreneurs.
We help individuals and businesses to increase their skills, knowledge, strengths and networks using a blended learning approach which supports them to learn in a way that works for them while they build meaningful connections with other entrepreneurs in their area. We work with local authorities, partners and funders from across the UK to create our programmes. Some of the programmes we are currently running are below.
This team was previously known as SSE Dartington, a partnership between the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) and Dartington Trust. In August 2021, the team transferred to fully join SSE. Learn more.
Devon Get Started
This comprehensive programme of support is designed to support new and emerging entrepreneurs across Devon. Funded by Devon County Council as part of it’s Covid Recovery Support it aims to help people to create employment opportunities for themselves as we emerge from the pandemic. So if you’re looking to start a business, community project or become self employed then let us help you. The programme will be a flexible, blended learning offer including a learning programme, coaching, Action Learning Sets, networking events and much more running from March 2022 until March 2023. You can work with the team to design a package of support to suit your needs, get in touch to talk about your ideas.
Rise Trade-Up programme
This Trading Development Programme combines match trading grants with a learning programme to support the development of social enterprise in Plymouth. The learning programme comes with a match trading grant that supports you to grow and expand your business. Match Trading grants help socially-driven organisations build more sustainable futures: they incentivise social entrepreneurs to grow by focusing on sales and trading, by matching increases in trading income with grant funding. This programme is funded by The Rank Foundation
New Programme coming soon – find out more
Community Renewal Fund Start Up programme
This programmes will support people in South West England to start up a social enterprise, charity, community project or impact-led organisation. To be eligible for this programme your project or idea must be less than two years old, based in either Somerset, Devon, or Bath and North East Somerset and you have a plan to either start trading or increase trading.
Social entrepreneurs on this programme receive:
- A free four-month intensive entrepreneurship support programme
- A Match Trading grant (£5,000 – £15,000)
- 1-2-1 coaching
- A supportive community of peers in a similar role to you
Community Renewal Fund Accelerator programme
This programmes will support people in South West England to grow their social enterprise, charity, community project or impact-led organisation. To be eligible for this programme your project or idea must be over two years old and has been trading for at least one year, based in either Somerset, Devon, or Bath and North East Somerset and be actively looking to grow the impact and income from trading of your social impact organisation/social enterprise.
Social entrepreneurs on this programme receive:
- A free four-month intensive entrepreneurship support programme
- A Match Trading grant (£5,000 – £15,000)
- 1-2-1 coaching
- A supportive community of peers in a similar role to you Find out more!
[START]social programme
The [START]social programme is business advice and support for people living in Plymouth. Through a series of 1-1 coaching and workshops the Start Social programme will give them the tools, advice and support they need to take their business idea and get it started! This programme is delivered in partnership with Iridescent Ideas and funded by Plymouth City Council.
South Bristol Enterprise Support (SBES)
The South Bristol Enterprise Support (SBES) is a partnership that includes the School for Social Entrepreneurs, Knowle West Media Centre, Princes Trust and YTKO Ltd. It is providing training, support, grants and bursaries for new and existing businesses in South Bristol. The project is led by Bristol City Council, and supported by the European Regional Development Fund and West of England Combined Authority.
We are offering short courses for pre start up and early stage enterprises as well as more tailored support for established businesses.
North and East Bristol Enterprise Support (NEBS)
NEBS is a partnership providing start up support for early stage entrepreneurs in North, East and Central Bristol. We are working in partnership with YTKO Ltd and hope to open for recruitment later this year.
Accelerating Women’s Enterprise Programme
Accelerating Women’s Enterprise (AWE) is a collaborative project helping women working in various regions either side of the English Channel to increase their personal skills and develop their skills and knowledge. We are currently recruiting for an exciting accelerator weekend that will be held later this year. So if you identify as a woman and would like some help with your existing business then you can find out more on the webpage.
Currently not recruiting, find out more about the impact of this programme here
Local Access Partnership
Find out more about our exciting new partnership with Access – The Foundations For Social Investment which will bring a share of a £33 million investment programme aimed at tackling inequality through boosting the social economy. Read more here Press Release
Local news
Fellows’ stories
Mirella Ferraz, Share Shed
Helps people borrow the stuff they need instead of buying it.
More about MirellaLisa Lea-Weston, Talking Heads
The social entrepreneur supporting key educators in schools to improve their wellbeing.
More about LisaChukumeka Maxwell, Action to Prevent Suicide
Empowering people to become Suicide First Aiders.
More about ChukumekaBlue O'Connor, Kings
An ethical men's grooming brand empowering men to live happier and healthy lives.
More about BlueMarie Yates, Canine Perspective CIC
The social entrepreneur bringing survivors of sexual violence together with rescue dogs.
More about MarieRob Wall, Roll for the Soul
"The School for Social Entrepreneurs really helped us put together a convincing business plan."
More about RobDarren Lynch-Burton, ACE
"The SSE programme has given me the tools, insight & confidence to further believe in myself & the change my organisation is capable of achieving."
More about Darren