Blogs, news & views
Social entrepreneurs on our biggest UK programme help 328,000 people while creating meaningful jobs
We're delighted to publish an independent evaluation of our work.
Charlotte Young: ‘Our opportunity to establish a new Trust Society’
Charlotte Young is a founding member, trustee and former chair of SSE. Writing here in a personal capacity, she shares her vision for how to improve conditions for people facing most challenges, as she publishes her paper on a different type of society.
New programme to support South London health and wellbeing organisations
Our stress-busting tips for social entrepreneurs
SSE staff recommend some great tips to relieve stress for Stress Awareness Month.
Five learnings about Funder Plus (grant-giving with extra support)
Francis Wight, SSE's development manager, talks us through the learnings from the Lloyds Bank Foundation report about Funder Plus. Our CEO Alastair Wilson spoke on the panel for the launch event.