Blogs, news & views
Campaigning, comms & collaborating: the latest SSE fellows’ event in Liverpool
We’ve been running events for the SSE fellows’ community throughout this year, to deepen the connections and learning people gain from our programmes. Our latest event was in Liverpool, hosted by SSE North West…
Alastair Wilson: Reflections on a year’s work at SSE
As we launch our annual report 2018-19, our CEO Ali shares his summary of what we've been working on and why
Richard Collier-Keywood: Why SSE does what it does
Our chair of trustees Richard shares his reflections on our past year, as we launch our annual report 2018-19
A snapshot of SSE’s year: our annual report 2018-19
How can social entrepreneurs improve Londoners’ health?
How we're working with Guy's and St Thomas' Charity to tackle two major health challenges