Blogs, news & views
Top tips for Pride month – a personal and professional view
"For LGBTQIA+ people, [Pride month] can zap emotional energy and bring the struggles of minority stress to the forefront." SSE fellow Max Cohen shares tips on how to "get through" the month.
B Corps: Are they social enterprises?
What’s the difference between social enterprises and B Corps? Marketing associate Holly Vandyke explores.
Moving beyond the rainbow
How can employers and social impact leaders create a safer, more inclusive workplace for LGBTQ+ people? SSE fellow Berkeley Wilde, Executive Director at The Diversity Trust CIC writes.
Devon’s local economy, resilience and the Ohio experiment
Could Devon build community wealth by filling supply chain gaps? Gill Westcott, director at New Prosperity Devon writes for SSE.
How to cut costs and reduce your carbon footprint
"We need to decarbonise our economy and communities." But what does this look like for social entrepreneurs?