Strong Foundations Bristol (NEBES)


Do you live or work in North, East or Central Bristol and want to make change for your community?

  • Would you like to run your own business or start a community project?
  • Can you see a gap for support in your community and have an idea of what to do?
  • Are you new to the business world and need some support to make sure that you have covered all of your business foundations?

If this is you, then our Strong Foundations course is designed just for you.

Our free, virtual programme will bring together new business developers like you, to go through the basics you will need to get your social business off to the best start. Over a series of sessions, we will look at:

  • Setting your business moral compass – What kind of business do you want to be?
  • Creating your service/product and how to ensure it is what your customer wants and will pay for.
  • Business planning – Simplify and demystify the process!
  • The Market – Market research, marketing, social media, and communicating effectively with stakeholders.
  • Your business form – Covering the legalities, policies and more.

Course dates

There are two options available for our autumn courses:

  • An online programme on Wednesdays in November (Wednesday, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th November all 9:30am-1:30pm)
  • A series of three in-person sessions at Filwood Community Centre Barnstaple Rd, Bristol, BS4 1JP (Wednesday 9th, 16th and 30th November 10am-3pm)

APPLICATION DEADLINE for Online and in person November programmes – TUESDAY 1st NOVEMBER

 Apply below and we will be in touch.

Click here to apply 

The details

The learning style of our programme will ensure something for everyone, regardless of your learning style preferences.

  • Expert sessions: experts in their field will run interactive workshops with you on business planning, market research and costing and pricing with time included to apply the learning and theory to your project idea.
  • Witness sessions: experienced social business leaders tell their story – warts and all – with the chance for you to ask questions and hear real-life accounts of what did and didn’t work.
  • Group sessions: make the most of the experience and knowledge in the room. Having a group of social entrepreneurs in the same boat, in the same room, is a great opportunity to share and support each other.

Who can apply?

To be eligible for a place on the NEBES Strong Foundations course, you need to be:

  • In the early stages of setting up a business that will make a difference (established social enterprises wanting to grow should get in touch to see what other support we can offer.)
  • Currently living in or planning to work in the North, East, or Central Bristol region. (If you are in South Bristol, check out our South Bristol Strong Foundations programme instead).
  • Able to attend all of the sessions.

How do I apply?

Click here

It’s fairly straightforward, but if you have any issues please let Holly know on

Other useful information

  • places are very limited, so please do apply early.
  • Yes, it really is free! the programme is part of the NEBES programme and is funded by the West of England Combined Authority and Bristol City Council, so you don’t have to pay a penny.
  • If you are in South Bristol then you should take a look at our SBES programme.

Our Commitment to Equality and Diversity

Diversity is a fact of life. Inclusion is a choice and a practice – for organisations and individuals. At the School for Social Entrepreneurs, our aim is to drive inclusion into every area of activity of what we do; from accessing programmes, to grant investment, to board, staff and partnerships.

However you identify, we want to hear from you. If you require any reasonable adjustment during our recruitment, including assistance with completing this application, please contact our entrepreneurship delivery lead Sam on