Lincolnshire Peer Network Leadership programme

Recruitment for this programme has ended. Check out our other programmes and online workshops for more development opportunities.

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The Lincolnshire Peer Network leadership programme is a free leadership development programme for 15 Social Enterprise leaders across Lincolnshire.

The programme aims to build a forum for Social Economy Leaders to support each other and come together to act strategically. Using action learning, networking and industry experts, the programme focuses on building a supportive network, resilience, problem solving, knowledge of financial opportunities, and creating ambassadors for social enterprise across Lincolnshire.

Key benefits:

  • Facilitated sessions: Aimed at solving the barriers you’re facing in your organisation right now. Through interactive Action Learning Sets, we enable you to discuss your own challenges, gain and reflect on valuable feedback and implement practical solutions to overcome them. Learn more about Action Learning.
  • Financial Expert Panel session: Develop your understanding of financial income streams and the opportunities social finance can offer your organisation.
  • Gain a network of peers: Who will support you in exploring the next steps to real challenges and opportunities for your business in Lincolnshire.
  • Self Development: Increase resilience, gain a voice and develop vital skills to provide effective leadership within the sector.
  • Bespoke support: One-off tailor-made session to suit the cohort’s needs.
  • Access to LVET networking events: With opportunities to explore different aspects of social enterprise and connect with like-minded people.
  • All it takes is your time: Peer Network Leadership Programme is completely free, all it takes is a few hours of your time each month. You can join virtual sessions from the comfort of your home or office.
  • Varied delivery, real results: Activities take place in structured, small-group sessions, led by a skilled professional facilitator to make sure you see real results in return for the investment of your time.
  • Non-competitive: Peer Networks bring together business leaders working collaboratively to find solutions to common problems.

Who is it for:

  • Leaders in their organisation within the county of Lincolnshire with a desire to champion the social enterprise sector.
  • Those working within a social or environmental purpose organisation including cooperatives, CIC’s, charities, community businesses.
  • Those actively seeking opportunities and solutions to help them develop their business and their networks.
  • Those committed to attending the full programme.

The programme will be delivered online and run on:

Wednesday 18 October 10am – 12pm
Wednesday 15 November 9.15am – 12.30pm
Wednesday 6 December 9.15am – 12.30pm
Wednesday 17 January 9.15am – 12.30pm
Wednesday 21 February 9.15am – 12.30pm
Wednesday 6 March 9.15am – 12.30pm
Wednesday 20 March 9.15am – 12.30pm

Dates and times for the Financial Expert Panel session and Bespoke session will be confirmed upon successful application.

“When I first encountered the idea behind Action Learning, I was sceptical. Surely if there was an answer to my more difficult work challenges, I’d have found a solution for myself by now?

It didn’t take long for me to be converted to this powerful approach to problem-solving. It provides much-needed space for thinking deeply around a subject, supported by peers who understand and assist you to peel back the layers of whatever is confronting you until an answer emerges.

There is some magic in it that I can’t explain, but I would highly recommend you give it a try.”
Action Learning Set participant


The application for this programme has now closed.

We are running this programme in association with LVET the Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement team and the Lincolnshire Social Economy Steering Group (LSEG), which is funded by the Barrow Cadbury Trust’s Connect Fund.