Bath and North East Somerset Social Entrepreneurs Programme

The deadline for the School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) Start Up and Accelerator programmes has now passed.

We have partnered with 3SG to continue free support for community businesses until the end of June 2022. These events and workshops are open to all, whether you’re on the programme or not.

There are 20 events and workshops (a mix of online and in person) in Bath and North East Somerset over the next few months ranging from cyber security to managing finances, fundraising and scaling up. Details are available on 3SGs website.

Bath and North East Somerset Social Entrepreneurs Programme

Do you have an enterprising idea to improve communities in Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES)?  Or are you a more established social enterprise looking to increase your impact and trading income?

We’re offering practical learning, a grant, coaching and a supportive network for start-up or more established social enterprises (a business that trades for a social purpose). It’s free and it’s mostly online.

We’re looking for people living or working in BaNES, benefiting the BaNES community.

Key benefits

Start Up level Accelerator level
  • Turn your idea into a business
  • 4 month intensive entrepreneurship programme (11 contact days) focused on leadership and business development
  • Up to £5,000 Match Trading grant
  • 1-2-1 coaching sessions
  • A community of other people starting up projects in BaNES to regularly meet online, gain support and work through challenges together
  • Increase your impact and income from trading
  • 4 month intensive entrepreneurship programme (11 contact days) focused on leadership and business development
  • Up to £15,000 Match Trading grant
  • 1-2-1 coaching sessions
  • A community of other business leaders at a similar stage in BaNES to regularly meet online, gain support and work through challenges together

Bath and North East Somerset Social Entrepreneurs Programme is led by the School for Social Entrepreneurs in partnership with the West of England Combined Authority and 3SG.  It is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.

Is this right for me?

You must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the programme:

Start Up

  • Your project or idea is less than two years old.
  • You and most of your clients, customers or beneficiaries are based in BaNES.
  • You are looking to set up an organisation with a social purpose.
  • You have a plan to either start trading or increase trading in the next six months.


  • Your project or organisation is over two years old and has been trading for at least one year.
  • You and most of your clients, customers or beneficiaries are based in BaNES.
  • You are looking to grow the impact and income from trading of your social impact organisation/social enterprise/social venture in the next six months.

Our commitment to diversity, inclusion and accessibility

We recognise that discrimination of all sorts infiltrates every part of our society, and we are working hard to counter that wherever we find it. To that end, we actively encourage applications from people of all faiths, races, gender identities, sexual orientations, economic circumstances and backgrounds, as well as those from disabled communities. No educational qualifications are needed to join our programmes.

If you require adjustments, including financial support, to take part in the recruitment process or to participate in the programme due to a disability, neurodiversity, caring responsibilities or any other reason, you will be able to provide details in the application form or contact us by phone or email to discuss further.

If  you need any of the information about this programme in another format, please let us know or call us on 0203 9053 533

Logos for SSE, UK gov, and West of England Combined Authority


Income from trading includes:

  • Sales of goods or services to the public, for example – selling food, tickets, training sessions, workshops
  • Sales of goods or services to other organisations, for example, training courses, commissions, contracting
  • Sponsorship and membership fees, where there is a significant benefit for the sponsor or member
  • Rental income

It does not include:

  • Donations or voluntary contributions
  • Income from investments
  • Bank interest
  • Loans
  • Equity income (e.g. through sale of shares)
  • Grants, for example from trusts
  • Transfers of funds from other organisations, e.g., in the case of a merger
  • Sponsorship or membership fees, where there is no significant benefit to member or sponsor

We can advise you about this if you are not sure. And just to be clear, by income from trading we don’t mean surplus or profit – just income.

You will be matched with a grant manager to support you with questions about your grant and how you can spend it.

Specifically, the Bath and Northeast Somerset local authority area.

Match Trading® is grant-funding that matches an increase in trading income. By rewarding sales growth, Match Trading incentivises social organisations to develop their trading base, so they can build stronger futures.

We have adapted the Match Trading grant approach to support a 4-month programme.

For this programme, the grant is made up of two parts: a traditional grant to kick-start your efforts; plus a Match Trading grant to accelerate growth by rewarding an increase in income from trading.

On the Start Up programme you get a traditional grant of £2,500 plus up to £2,500 incentivised grant that matches an increase in income from trading.  For every £1 increase, we give you £3, up to a maximum of £2,500.

On the Accelerator programme you get a traditional grant of £7,500 plus up to £7,500 incentivised grant that matches an increase in income from trading.  For every £1 increase, we give you £3, up to a maximum of £7,500.