Sitting in the corner quietly: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


I’m feeling a little bit fragile this morning. I was out with an old school friend last night celebrating his recent engagement and have today learned that two bottles of wine between two people is far too much on a school night. This week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise For You is therefore a slightly low key edition as I’m doing my best to keep my head down and not get noticed.

Now, if everyone could keep the noise to a whisper it would be greatly appreciated…

Have a great weekend!


You know that feeling you have when you’ve got £3 million and you just have to spend it by October? We’ve all been there. It’s the precipitous predicament that Key Fund group find themselves in and they are looking for organisations across Yorkshire and Humber to help take it off their hands.

‘Fail to prepare, prepare to fail’, one particularly irritating manager in a former job used to say to me before client meetings. So before you get in touch with Key Fund, make sure you read this jargon buster from Charity Bank and then take a look at ‘eight things for charities to consider when borrowing money‘ from CAF.

If you’ve been on one of our courses at SSE London then you may well have been fortunate enough to have had a witness session delivered by Henry Stewart of Happy. Henry is in the running for the ‘Top Management Thinkers for 2015’ and needs your help to win! Vote for him here. The info you need is: Name – Henry Stewart, Position – Chief Executive, Company – Happy Ltd, Email [email protected]

Fancy being a charity trustee? Smart Schools Council are looking for trustees of have either recent teaching experience or charity governance experience. Details here.

So you want to assess impact? purr NCVO coquettishly. The answer, of course, is “not until I’ve been on SSE’s Measuring Social Impact course, taking place on 17th and 18th September.”

Know your bank reconciliations from your P+L account? I’ve got some opportunities that may be of interest to you…First, SSE Fellow Sharla Duncan is looking for a part-time freelance qualified accountant (one to two days for six months) to help make improvements to her organisation TeamUp’s management accounting system and prepare year end accounts. Email [email protected] for further info (and check out their website at

On a voluntary basis, SSE student Graham Hadley is looking for a Finance Director for his organisation Experts by Experience. The social enterprise that provides a range of services to NHS Trusts and Commissioners, private hospitals, Universities, professional bodies and third sector organisations on best practice for all aspects of service user and carer involvement in mental health services.

An interesting video project from Liverpool-based CIC ADDvanced Solutions, who have put together a series highlighting the issues faced by young people living with neurodevelopmental conditions, as well as the daily impact on them and their families. You can watch them on Youtube here.

We’ve still got loads of jobs at SSE on our website, including roles in London, Cornwall, Dartington and the Midlands. View them all here.

Applications for the Youth Action Fund have opened, for ‘organisations working with young people in lower socioeconomic areas in England’. The government is encouraging charities, community interest companies and social enterprises to apply.

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