Now there’s a headline that will cause confusion outside of the UK*. Is pinch punch still a thing? Answers on a postcard please. Here’s this week’s round-up of social enterprise sector news…

Photo Credit: mikeyp2000 via Compfight cc
- SSE students Florence Norman and Becky John were featured in the Guardian article ‘UK fashion social enterprises support recovering addicts, refugees and ageing‘. Two brilliant organisations and great examples of trading social enterprises.
- Intergen, a social enterprise set up by SSE Fellow Norma Raynes, are currently looking for a part time Business Manager, based in Bethnal Green. It’s a fantastic organisation – so good that I joined the board!
- Are you the UK’s Social Innovator of the Year? If you are, then the Community Channel and the Sunday Times want to hear from you. While you’re at it, you should probably enter the social enterprise category of the Great British Entrepreneur Awards too.
- SSE Australia’s Chief Executive Celia Hodson has put together her tips on ‘How to Get Your Board On Board‘.
- “You can’t have your cake and eat it.” Not true if you get involved with Baked Worthing, a social enterprise run by Lauren Roffey and currently crowdfunding for the final fit out of their soon-to-open cake café. Sounds like an excellent idea for a social franchise…
- Also looking for backing is ‘Cures for Ailing Organisations‘ a first aid manual for nonprofits and social enterprises. Thanks to Merlin Matthews for bringing it to my attention.
- Funding of up to £10,000 is available to early-stage social enterprises from the Shackleton Foundation.
- Due to open for applications next week is the Social Incubator North Fund, which offers up to £25k interest free investment loan and a whole host of other support. It’s open to social entrepreneurs across the East Midlands and North of England.
- There could also be £1m of funding heading towards Somerset, so keep your eyes peeled if you are down in the West Country.
- Geetha Rabindrakumar of Big Society Capital has blogged about ‘How social investment can work for you‘ on NCVO’s website. Thirsty for more? Then join in with a social investment tweet up on August 5th, hosted by Social Investment Business, Locality and Charity Bank.
- There’s still room on our Trading for Sustainability taster evening on August 14th. Trewin Restorick, Chief Executive of Global Action Plan, will be sharing his tips on achieving financial sustainability for your organisation. Book your spot here.
Have a good week!
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