by David McGlashan
It’s been ages since I’ve had the chance to do one of these, but it’s back! Here’s a summary of some of the news from around the sector over the last week or so.
- Really interesting interview with Nick O’Donohoe, Chief Exec of Big Society Capital, by David Floyd:
- If you’re a social entrepreneur near Newcastle, Big Lottery Fund have market pitches to give away for their Social Enterprise Spring Fayre on March 28th:
- SSE Fellow Jacqui Johnston Lynch was featured in the Mail on Sunday: Jacqui is a truly amazing person, and was the inaugural Lloyds Bank Social Entrepreneur of the Year.
- Current SSE student Rianna Raymond-Williams had a piece about her project Shine ALOUD in the Guardian. If you are in the area, pop in and pick up a copy of the magazine from SSE London
- Brilliant feature on the BBC website about Arunachalam Muruganantham, who has created an affordable way for women in southern India to make sanitary pads and is now expanding to 106 countries around the world: