A day in the life of a Learning Administrator…

Working at the School for Social Entrepreneurs is a motivating, inspiring and challenging experience. Unlike many organisations our beneficiaries – or ‘students’ as we refer to them- are frequently in the office as our learning programmes are run from the training rooms within our building. This is great for me, as the person in charge of the coordination of the students, it’s great to get to know them personally and be able to put faces to names!

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“Persistence always overcomes resistance”

Setting up a project on your own is an incredible challenge and over the past few months I have also been faced with a major personal obstacle to overcome. As the first day of the SSE course beckoned I was stuck at home trying to get used to being in a wheelchair. Despite the huge amount of work and excitement that had gone into setting up my project and in applying for the SSE course I was questioning whether I could really make it happen. I am so glad I kept with it  because just a week later and after a really enjoyable first few days ‘at school’ I am smiling, excited and back to my usual self, plotting, planning and dreaming of the future. Continue reading

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Have I Got (mainly SSE) Social Enterprise News For You – 11.10.13

by David McGlashan

This is very SSE-centric this week, but there is a lot going on at school at the moment.

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From garden blogger to social entrepreneur

by Deborah Scott Anderson  A year ago I was a horticultural blogger chatting online with gardeners all over the world about the effects of climate change in my garden. My days were usually spent sharing stories and pictures about whether bulbs were early or how late into the autumn my geraniums were still flowering. Today I am a social entrepreneur and Founder of Climate Gardens, an online environmental enterprise that uses the effect of unpredictable weather on our plants and gardens to raise the issue of climate change. This has been an incredible journey. Continue reading

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Working for SSE

by Holly Vitow

Hi! I’m Holly and I have been working at SSE for just a few months now as PA to the chief exec, Alastair Wilson. Before joining SSE, I worked in the world of children’s book publishing, as PA to a leading children’s book agent (sounds glamorous, but actually I worked in a dark basement/dungeon where I froze to death and rarely saw sunlight!) The other night I met up with some of my old colleagues and was immediately struck by some of the differences between working for a charity like SSE and working in the private sector… Continue reading

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