Cobbled together in a bit of a hurry: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

This is going to be short and to the point as I’ve been out and about spreading the word of SSE this week and only spent about 5 minutes at my desk. Broken links, bits I’ve missed out, bad spelling and missed punctuation should be attributed to me only starting this about two minutes ago.

Normal service (of inexcusable broken links, bad spelling and missed punctuation) will resume next Friday.

Photo Credit: Angelina Cupcake via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Angelina Cupcake via Compfight cc

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News, views and a little bit of booze: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

It’s Friday! We made it.  The weekend is only hours away, so get yourself a cup of tea (or maybe a gin and tonic if you are reading this after 5pm), sit back and let yourself be ever so slightly distracted by this week’s news.

(If you’d like to hit the tweet button after you’ve read it, you’d be doing me a favour as it may just help us reach 20,000 followers…we’re 12 away!)


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An interview with…Matt Sadler, Two Fingers Brewing Company

by David McGlashan

This week we meet Matt Sadler, of Two Fingers Brewing Co, a social enterprise which donates all profits from its beer sales to Prostate Cancer UK. The company has secured distribution through a number of major supermarkets and excitingly their flagship beer Aurelio has received backing from Jamie Oliver and will be stocked in Jamie’s Italian restaurants throughout November.

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Dress code: black tie. This week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You is an awards special.

This week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You invites you to put on your party gear and sashay up the red carpet as we welcome you to an awards special. Invitations ready please, and if your name’s not on the list then you’re not coming in…

(All your names are on the list.  We’re nice like that).

Becky celebrates with her two trophies.

Social Entrepreneur of the Year Becky John celebrates with her two trophies.

Take your seats please…

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An interview with…Kieron Tilley, We Walk the Line

by David McGlashan

Kieron Tilley is co-founder of We Walk the Line, a social enterprise which has recently celebrated its first birthday.  The organisation aims to train disadvantaged individuals to become baristas, and teaches them the skills that they require to set up their own business. Kieron and his colleague Mat Corbett were participants in our last social franchising programme. We Walk The Line Continue reading

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