Not Nostradamus: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Well then. Who saw that coming? Certainly not me, who had put together a simply sensational Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You which entirely relied on a hung parliament. Seriously, it was incredible, I’d make a picture in Photoshop and everything. But now that’s all ruined. I guess I always have a career working for YouGov if it’s needed, with my visionary prediction skills.

I’m afraid you’ll have to make do with quite a straightforward addition then. But that’s probably the least of your worries this morning.


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Here’s this week’s news:

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Jukebox playlist special: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

There are not enough pubs with a jukebox any more. Nothing to do with social enterprise I know but they’ve recently done up a pub close to me and removed the jukebox and that was pretty much the only reason to go there. Yes, there are apps that you can use instead but it’s not the same. Anyway, this week’s edition has a painstakingly picked song to go with each news story. Timely as it’s a bank holiday weekend and a lot of you will be heading to the pub, the jukebox’s spiritual home.


JukeboxRead on for the Have I Got Social Enterprise News for You news related playlist… Continue reading

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Tardy and tired: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Thank you for all your kind words on last week’s edition, which taught me that inventing fictional emails for comic purposes is a sure fire way to success. It also attracted a threat of being sued for defamation by my mother, and I’m pretty sure she was only half joking. Nothing so creative this week I’m afraid, I was out too late last night for my father-in-law’s birthday (Dinner at Spring in Somerset House, which I highly recommend if you can find someone else to pay) and I’m too tired to come up with anything entertaining. Roll on the weekend!



Here’s this week’s news…

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The contents of an email inbox: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Hello! Lots of new subscribers to Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You, so welcome to you all. There’s a bit of a problem this week, however. I’ve been away for the last two weeks and haven’t really kept an eye on what has been going on in the world of social enterprise, I don’t really have any time to do any research and it’s Friday.  So in the absence of anything to write about, I’m simply going to copy and paste my email inbox from while I’ve been away. Conveniently, I only received 10 emails…


Spam folder

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All aboard the social enterprise tour bus

We often get delegations from around the world e-mailing us and asking if they can meet with SSE and find out more about what we do. When we’re able to accommodate these requests it’s always a really useful and enjoyable experience for us (and hopefully sometimes for them too). It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day bustle of e-mails and meetings taking a moment to explain to someone else what you do can be a useful reminder of why you do it! Continue reading

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