An Afternoon Delight: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Well now. An afternoon edition. The difference in scheduling is of course because I’ve been busy, and definitely not because I’ve had half an ear on the cricket this morning and been slightly distracted. This is a workplace after all (but what a morning from England!). But enough of that, because I’m officially declaring that now is the start of the weekend. Read this and then stop what you are doing, pour yourself a cold drink and get outside and enjoy the sunshine (or stay in and watch the cricket). If anyone asks tell them that I said it’s ok…

There’s some useful stuff in this week’s news, enjoy!


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Meet June O’Sullivan

A key part of our programmes are ‘Witness sessions’ when  students hear from inspirational speakers (witnesses) who have first-hand experience of the issues our students are facing. Like witnesses in a law court they give testimony about what it’s really like to start and grow social organisations. Our Witnesses are some of the most inspirational entrepreneurs around who take time out of their very busy lives to help our social entrepreneurs.  We’d like you to meet them and be inspired!

Meet: June O’Sullivan, CEO London Early Years Foundation 


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A sing-a-long summer special: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


“David, what are you going to write about in this week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You?” excitedly asked nobody in the office this week. “There’s so much that’s happened. Kanye at Glastonbury, the hottest July day ever, Wimbledon, Greece and the Eurozone, the England football team AND the Social Enterprise World Forum in Milan. There’s so much to theme the newsletter around. What will you do?”

Well, we’re not going with any of those. Instead, we’re going to ignore all of the news and work our way through another musical edition. Sit back, relax, and let’s blast out some summer themed tunes with this week’s news…


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Better late than never? Possibly. Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

I’ve been in Manchester at the CIH Housing Conference all of this week so this week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You is very much a rushed back of an envelope job. (No-one is going to be reading it anyway, as everyone seems to be at Glastonbury!)

I could write extensively about our time at the conference but in summary the main takeaways from the entire trip were: 1. Our Head of Comms Leonie is a surprisingly excellent karaoke rapper. 2. Manchester can provide a rather lively night out. 3. We need to up our game when it comes to exhibition stand decoration:

Spot the SSE stand

-Spot the SSE stand

Next week’s edition should be a little less rushed, but for now, here’s the news:


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Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You: RELOADED


Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You has come under some fierce criticism in recent weeks. Not from the loyal readers, I hasten to add, but from internal sources. ‘Not very good‘ was a comment the other week from one staff member. ‘Noticeable dip in quality‘ another. This week, the SSE Twitter account tweeted that they were only ‘sometimes funny‘. Imagine that! The Twitter account that I ran for two years is now making barbed comments behind my back.

After much soul searching, some tears, and lonely hours listening to angry guitar music, I’ve decided that there’s only one thing for it. I’m going to employ the tactic used by failing Hollywood franchises, the reboot.

Ladies and gentleman, without further ado, I present to you: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You – RELOADED.


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