The One From The East Coast Of America: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

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Hello from the USA! USA! USA!

How’s it all going that side of the pond? This week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You is a little bit different, as I’m on ‘vacation’ and haven’t been paying attention to much of what’s been going on in the world of social enterprise (shocking, I know).

So, I’m going to nick a format that the tv show Friends used to use once a series and look back at some of the most popular links of the year so far. They tend to be more ‘how to’ style articles than the news which I’ve filtered out as it’s often no longer news.

Have a great weekend and normal service will resume next week – i’m off into Boston now followed by a baseball game tomorrow!


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The end of an era? Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


This could be the last ever Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You. No, I’ve not been fired (yet) but I am about to go on my first ever holiday with my in-laws and god knows if I’ll make it back from that unscathed. If you don’t hear from me within two weeks then send help, I could well be involved in a major diplomatic incident. Ringing around my head are the words my mum used to shout after me whenever I used to go round to a friend’s house after school: “Just make sure you offer to clear up”.

Enjoy your weekend!


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How to Write A Funding Bid

by Antony Wallace

Ahead of our ‘Writing Successful Bids‘ workshop, course facilitator Antony Wallace takes a look at how you can make sure that your funding bids are more successful…

Photo Credit: djking via Compfight cc

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Reaching out and touching base…Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

There seem to have been a lot of meetings at SSE HQ this week. Every time I’ve looked up from my desk, everyone has gone from one meeting into another. I’ve not been invited to any of them, but I’m sure they are all very exciting and important, like meetings always are. Anyway, to make up for the disappointment of me being excluded from the fun I’ve invented my own meeting (including horrendous office speak), to which you’ve been invited.

After this you might as well knock off for the week, enjoy your weekend!


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Short and sweet: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


I’m chasing my tail a bit today so this week’s news is a little brief. There’s some good stuff in their though – jobs, courses, funding news. If you’ve had a frustrating week check out the last link too for evidence that it’s not just you!

Have a good weekend


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