Pinch, punch, first of the month (white rabbits)…it’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Now there’s a headline that will cause confusion outside of the UK*.  Is pinch punch still a thing?  Answers on a postcard please.  Here’s this week’s round-up of social enterprise sector news…

*here’s an explanation

Photo Credit: mikeyp2000 via Compfight cc

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A hotchpotch of news and useful marketing resources…Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

It seems to have been a little quiet on the news front this week (either that or I have been really inattentive).  To supplement the usual goings on I’ve included some bits and pieces that you might find useful.  This week I’ve focused on marketing, because that’s what I do, but if people would like this sort of thing more regularly I’ll expand it to other areas as well – reply and let me know!

Photo Credit: Bev Goodwin via Compfight cc

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Standing in a field drinking cider…Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

This week’s edition is coming to you from Latitude Festival in a field near sunny Southwold!  “Sounds like fun” I hear you say.  Well, the beer is poured by a social enterprise so we’ll put this one down as a research trip.  Enjoy this week’s news, it’s been a busy one.

I’m waving at you from here

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Shorter than usual and a bit of a rush job…It’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You.

I’ll be honest.  This is shorter than usual and slightly hurried, but it’s being written during the lunch-break of a training course on Thursday, I can see the sandwiches disappearing fast and I don’t want to be left with tuna.  Also I’m out of the office on Friday getting married, but that’s another story…  Enjoy, and ignore any spelling or grammatical errors. Normal service will resume next week.

This image is supposed to symbolise speed.

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Channelling our inner Bryan Adams…Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday SSE Ontario, happy birthday to you!

I’m not quite sure if this is a cake or a trifle.

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