Demob-happy and counting down to 5…it’s Have I Got Social Enteprise News For You

That’s right, Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You is switching on the out-of-office, packing it’s bags and heading on holiday for a couple of weeks (Bordeaux, San Sebastian, Rome and Venice – all tips gratefully received), so the next edition won’t be until the end of September. See you then!


Here’s this week’s news… Continue reading

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News + social media tools + this boring headline = Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

It’s been a bit of a quiet week this week (perhaps no surprise with the bank holiday), so along with the usual news I’ve included some tools that may help with your social media efforts – the marketing ones a few weeks ago were well received so hopefully these will be too!

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Dusting off its dancing shoes, it’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You…

As it’s August bank holiday weekend I fully expect that this will be read by about 12 people, so high five to those of you not currently on holiday, and have a cracking bank holiday weekend.  (I’m going clubbing tonight, which I’m almost certainly too old to be doing…)

Here’s this week’s news:

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Straight outta London…it’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Friday is usually a reason to be cheerful, but I’m heading to the dentist this afternoon to have a crown fitted.  Snakes, wooden lollipop sticks and going to the dentist make up the list of three things I most dislike, so this week’s news is coming to you tinged with fear…

Photo Credit: Jenn and Tony Bot via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Jenn and Tony Bot via Compfight cc

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Wondering where the sun went, it’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Grey and a little bit gloomy on a summer’s day –  this sort of weather always reminds me of eating picnics in a car as a child.  If only I’d had this week’s round-up of social enterprise news to help occupy the time…

Photo Credit: kevin dooley via Compfight cc

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