News, views and a little bit of booze: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

It’s Friday! We made it.  The weekend is only hours away, so get yourself a cup of tea (or maybe a gin and tonic if you are reading this after 5pm), sit back and let yourself be ever so slightly distracted by this week’s news.

(If you’d like to hit the tweet button after you’ve read it, you’d be doing me a favour as it may just help us reach 20,000 followers…we’re 12 away!)


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Punchier than usual: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Hmmm.  For once I haven’t got much to say.  It’s been that sort of week. Because I’ve not got anything else to write here, I’m going to use (abuse?) this space to ask if anyone knows a good roofer in Peckham?  (We’ve got water dripping down a cavity wall).

Anyway, here’s this week’s news:

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*Warning. Contains Satire*. Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You.

This week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You has been overshadowed by news of a dangerous virus which has finally taken hold in parts of the UK, and now threatens to wreak havoc.

But enough about UKIP (can we put him in quarantine?), here’s your round-up of social enterprise news.


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Far more London-centric than it should be: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Uh-oh.  A lot of this week’s news is events taking place in London, I’m afraid.  If you aren’t from London and want to quickly pass over the articles that aren’t of interest, I’ve handily marked them out for you using Cockney rhyming slang.  This took longer to do than I thought it would.

In all seriousness – if you have an event / funding opportunity / article that you’d like promoted and you are outside of the capital, please send it over and I’ll try to pop it in next week.

Photo Credit: bthomso via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: bthomso via Compfight cc

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I guess now it’s time that you came back for good -Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

A dual purpose headline that not only reflects the fact that I’m back from holiday but also acts as a tribute to Jason Orange, who this week announced that he was quitting Take That. (He was one of the ones that isn’t Gary, Mark or Robbie).


Besides idle celebrity tittle-tattle, this week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You picks up on the best bits from around the sector while I was away.  There’s quite a lot…!  Continue reading

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