Ain’t no party like a ‘Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You’ Christmas party

Ho ho ho.  Welcome to a special Christmas party edition of Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You.  ‘What’s special about it?’ I hear you ask.  Well, there’s a picture of a dog in a Santa outfit below and if you click this link you’ll have an appropriate soundtrack to carry on reading. Welcome to the online equivalent of Lapland.

It's a Christmas Dog

Come on in, pass round the egg nog and let’s get this party started…

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Dosed up on paracetamol: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Time to get your small violins out because I don’t feel well.  I think I’ve got man flu.  A serious bout of man flu. Send emergency bottles of Lucozade, Lemsip, an ambulance on standby (in case it escalates) and chicken soup please, otherwise I’m going to start whining.  And no-one wants that.

This week's social enterprise news is suffering from Man Flu

Here’s this week’s news…(sniffle). Continue reading

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Surveying the scene: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

It was our Christmas party last night, but this is being written (well in advance, you can’t catch me out like last week) on Thursday afternoon so who knows what even happened?  I’m sure it was all very civilised and filled with polite conversation and educated debate.  Probably.

Photo Credit: Gee Willi

Here is this week’s news… Continue reading

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Setting a bad example: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

I’m going to start with a confession.  I’m feeling a teeny bit fragile this morning after a Thanksgiving dinner (American father) last night at which one, maybe two, too many thanks were given.   I think I’m getting away with it so far though.  Just keep the coffee coming and if you could all keep the noise down it would be hugely appreciated.

Photo Credit: Denube via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Denube via Compfight cc

Right, let’s get on with this week’s news:

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Cobbled together in a bit of a hurry: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

This is going to be short and to the point as I’ve been out and about spreading the word of SSE this week and only spent about 5 minutes at my desk. Broken links, bits I’ve missed out, bad spelling and missed punctuation should be attributed to me only starting this about two minutes ago.

Normal service (of inexcusable broken links, bad spelling and missed punctuation) will resume next Friday.

Photo Credit: Angelina Cupcake via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Angelina Cupcake via Compfight cc

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