Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You: RELOADED


Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You has come under some fierce criticism in recent weeks. Not from the loyal readers, I hasten to add, but from internal sources. ‘Not very good‘ was a comment the other week from one staff member. ‘Noticeable dip in quality‘ another. This week, the SSE Twitter account tweeted that they were only ‘sometimes funny‘. Imagine that! The Twitter account that I ran for two years is now making barbed comments behind my back.

After much soul searching, some tears, and lonely hours listening to angry guitar music, I’ve decided that there’s only one thing for it. I’m going to employ the tactic used by failing Hollywood franchises, the reboot.

Ladies and gentleman, without further ado, I present to you: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You – RELOADED.


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Cursing computers: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

I’ve been having an IT crisis this morning, hence the lateness of this week’s Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You. At one point it looked like it would actually be quicker to come and hand deliver a copy to each individual subscriber, or to try and communicate it via morse code or something. I used my technical skills to invoke the drastic last resort of turning the computer off and on again but that didn’t achieve anything. It was so serious I almost gave up and went home. Then it seemed to fix itself, but now I can’t upload images to our blog.  Thank god it’s Friday…

Loads of good news this week, enjoy!


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Longest way round is the shortest way home: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


Bit of a rush job this week as I had a meeting first thing this morning. What follows is therefore something of a stream of consciousness, a bit like James Joyce’s Ulysses. I somehow doubt that this mediocre round-up of social enterprise news will ever be heralded as the greatest example of modernist Irish literature, however. But I can dream…

Enough blathering, enjoy the week’s news.


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Off With Its Head! Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Add a little bit of body textMy loyal subjects,

In the week in which one delivered one’s speech to the Lords and members of the House of Commons (or the Rogue’s Gallery, as Phillip once quipped) it gives one great pleasure to have also been invited to address the many readers of Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You. Readers of this fine newsletter are often spoken of as some of the most highly regarded citizens throughout my Commonwealth. Knight and Damehoods to you all!

I wish you all a most pleasant week.

HRH Queen Elizabeth II

(as told to @davemcglashan, who may now be in the Tower. Does this count as treason?)

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Good news, Bad news: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


programming-583923_640Good news: After the brouhaha last week that at least one person on Twitter referred to as ‘sweargate’, I’ve just about held onto my job and Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You is back.

Bad news: You’re going to wish it wasn’t. I have got literally nothing interesting to say. Nada. I’ve spent all week looking at website code and deary me is it dull. I’ve had the verve sapped from me. The most exciting thing that happened to me this week is that my coffee was served to me by a chap called Walter this morning and I don’t think that I’ve ever met a Walter before.

I’d better stop now. This is desperate stuff.

On with the news…


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