Full of resolve: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Yawning catHasn’t that felt like a long week? I’m pretty confident that the first week of January has extra days in it, it’s the only rational explanation for why it feels like Christmas took place about six months ago.

January is of course the time for new year resolutions. Here are mine, which rather fortunately tie in with everything in this week’s social enterprise news. Spooky.


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Have I Got A Social Enterprise Year in Review For You


And there goes 2015…

Never one to shy away from jumping on the nearest available bandwagon, Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You this week contains a round up of some of the best news stories and articles from the year.

Thanks to all of who have sent things my way over the year, and I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading the round up every Friday. See you in 2016!

@davemcglashan Continue reading

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The calm before the storm: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gwilli/8475625817

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gwilli/8475625817

Today is the SSE staff Christmas party. I’d like to pretend that it will be a sophisticated soirée of cultured conversations and sparkling bon mots but I’m not that good a liar. Last year’s party took place on a Thursday with work the next day and by the end resembled a scene from Animal House – who knows what could happen on a Friday night?

So that you don’t miss out on all the gossip and intrigue from the evening I’ve made some predictions about what might take place below…


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Nursery rhyme special edition: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Oranges and Lemons

For reasons that are beyond me, this week’s news is themed around children’s nursery rhymes. It just sort of started with the HCT bus news and grew from there into some sort of unstoppable force. By the way, once you begin digging into the world of nursery rhymes, wow, does it get controversial. Plague, Viking attacks on London, regicide – it’s like a vision of the SSE Christmas party next week.

Have a good weekend and enjoy the news…


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Stretching the definition of news: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


This week seems to have been a little bit quiet in the world of social enterprise. They say that no news is good news, but I can tell you that it does make writing a newsletter a very difficult job. So this is a real hodgepodge of stuff, a little bit of social enterprise news followed by ‘things I have seen this week that you may find useful’.

Have a good weekend


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