Heading to retirement: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

old-man-915219_640This is a little later and even more rushed than usual because I’ve been a meeting all morning about auto-enrolment pensions. Fascinating stuff for a Friday, I’m sure you’ll agree. I did use the meeting to work out that there are only 1655 more editions of Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You before I retire however, so make the most of them while you can – it’s not going to be here forever.

Enjoy this week’s news and have a good weekend.


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Fool’s Gold: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Untitled design (11)

Bonjour, welcome to April. I was going to do some sort of April Fools’ Day themed newsletter but on reflection decided that it would be far too tiresome, both for me to write and for you to read. Or did I? Is one of these stories an April Fool? Are all of them April Fools? Or am I the April Fool?

See, tiresome. And this newsletter doesn’t need to be any more irritating than it usually is, so I’m just going to crack on with the news, starting with a super offer just for newsletter subscribers – don’t say I never give you anything.

Enjoy your weekend

@davemcglashan Continue reading

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A missive from the Treasury: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

SSE budget briefcase

In the unlikely event that you missed it, there was a budget this week. I’m still reeling from the news that the tonic in a gin and tonic will qualify for the sugar tax, which has displeased me so much that I have decided to draft my own budget. It makes no mention of things like inflation, fiscal targets or deficit forecasts because while I understand that those things are important they are actually quite boring and I’m not always sure what they actually mean.

Enjoy the news…


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Sprinting towards the weekend: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You

Phew. It’s Friday. This week I managed to send an email to 1600 people addressed to <test first name> instead of their actual first name so I’m pretty keen to put this week to bed and start again on Monday.

Loads of news for you to read through this week (so much so that I don’t have a proper icon for number 11) so I’ll leave you to it. Have a great weekend!


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Status update: Have I Got Social Enterprise News For You


Are you excited? I’m excited. Why am I excited? Because this week Facebook updated the like button to include emojis, giving me a whole new range of ways to demonstrate complete indifference to pictures of people’s holidays / news of family gatherings / updates about what they had for dinner. It’s a brave new world and I like it (smiley face). So this week I’ve spent all my time on Facebook ‘working’, you can see what I found below.

No news next week as I’ll be in Norfolk with no access to a computer, so I’ll see you in a few weeks. Have a good weekend!


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