Overdue round-up of social entrepreneur news

It’s been a busy time recently, so here’s a round-up of some items of interest as a means of catch-up.

– Rocket Science are undertaking a review of regional business support for the Social Enterprise Unit, now snugly ensconced in the Office of the Third Sector. See RS’ news section for more

– Social Enterprise Coalition have published a pamphlet by Patricia Hewitt with her vision of social enterprise within healthcare…see SEC’s website

– A new Scottish-centred social enterprise magazine, Good Company, has been launched

Google Foundation has an unusual structure which could suit investment in social entrepreneurs; see here as well for more comment

– The Rural Social Enterprise Conference takes place in November 22nd and 23rd…in Somerset

10 steps to avoid the start-up graveyard (which is an interesting concept in itself….)

– Interesting post by Todd Hannula at Social Catalyst on scaling; will follow up on this subject soon

– Alliance piece by Rod Schwarz entitled "Profit taboo in social enterprise country?"

– Ed Miliband clarifies the position on the third sector and public service delivery (summary: the idea of charities and social enterprises being major public service providers has been overplayed)

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Upcoming social enterprise events: September/October 2006

As the world of social enterprise and entrepreneurship grows and grows, I am beginning to think it is possible to go to a related event or conference on every single day of the year….that’s not a gauntlet being thrown down by the way. It does showcase the need to choose wisely and appropriately, and make the most of the events you choose to attend though. Here’s some of what’s upcoming in the UK this autumn:

– 14th September: Social Enterprise Sports Conference, at the Walker Stadium, Leicester; featuring Richard Caborn and a demonstration of BMX and skateboarding….see SEEM’s website for more, or call 0115 845 6434

– 17th-19th September: Enterprising Communities 2006, in Birmingham,  which is the DTA’s annual conference; features Ruth Kelly and Ed Miliband, + practitioners, coach trips, multimedia visits, expert surgeries and hot topic debates…..see DTA’s website for more information…or call 01633 411 732

– 25th September: Reaching Your Market, a Social Enterprise London conference on marketing for non-profit organisations; includes "Diverse and high calibre speakers with expertise in both the commercial and not-for-profit sectors; discussions and debate about how and when to market your social aim as a USP; networking time with fellow social enterprise professionals"; see SEL’s website or call  020 7022 1920

– 2nd October:  Match Winners, a conference at Canary Wharf on commercial partnerships that are "making money…and making a difference"; follows on from the CAN report of the same name last autumn, and features Fifteen, Green-Works, Barclays, Ed Miliband, ACEVO, CAN and SEC etc……; see here for more details

– 19th October: FOOTSEY 100 at York Racecourse, "the largest and most successful social economy trade fair in the UK"; features workshops/sessions on housing associations, procurement, a Dragon’s Den, legal structures and more; see FOOTSEY 100, or call

– 20th October: Social Enterprise and Community Regeneration, one-day conference at Brunel University, providing
"a forum for addressing and debating the role of social enterprise as a means for community regeneration"; see Brunel’s website for more info

That about covers it for now, though there are some interesting regional events going on (see SESC, for example, in Yorkshire). If I was choosing? Probably FOOTSEY, DTA and MatchWinners, in that order, but, as they used to say on Blind Date, the choice is yours….oh, and don’t forget Enterprise Week (and Social Enterprise Day on the Thursday) follow hot on the heels in November….

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Third Sector Review + a Breakthrough in social investment

Spent yesterday at the Treasury / Cabinet Office Third Sector consultation (focusing on social enterprise) as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review. All off-record, but thought I would just mention that Ed Miliband (who attended the London SSE Fellowship ceremony last Thursday) quoted Becky Barrett, one of the new Fellows, as an example of those individuals driving change, repeating her immortal words, “I realised frozen potato waffles weren’t going to change the world”. Nuff said, methinks. [more on the ceremony soon]

The consultation was interesting, if (inevitably) too brief, slightly restrictive and too short (again!) of practitioners. And, yes, I know I was only making that worse, but hopefully I was representing our myriad of Fellows as well as SSE itself. As ever with such things, fine and welcome words were heard: the proof will be in the eating….

Another event tonight, the launch of CAN‘s new Breakthrough investment fund, in association with leading international private equity firm Permira. The Telegraph has a write-up, which is worth a read, and the event features that man Ed Miliband again, the chief execs of Permira and CAN + the journalist David Aaronovitch….should be interesting. Amongst the first three organisations to benefit from the new investment/venture philanthropy initiative are Green Works and, intriguingly, TimeBank, the volunteering charity that government helped establish.

Replicas exactas Golden GooseI say intriguingly because the latter choice shows that Permira and CAN are using a broad definition of social enterprise, which is to be welcomed. Time Bank is a charity primarily funded by government, trusts and foundations and corporate sponsors/partners, so will not be some people’s idea of social enterprise; but it may also be taking risks, acting entrepreneurially, grasping opportunities, developing new initiatives and so on, meaning it has a place in the wider world of social entrepreneurship.

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The Hot 25: new social entrepreneurs joining the SSE Fellowship

As blogged previously, tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday see 25 new SSE Fellows graduating their programmes in London and the East Midlands. Here’s the press release:


The Hot List: social entrepreneurs blazing a trail this

On Thursday July 20th, 25 social entrepreneurs
will graduate from the School for Social Entrepreneurs in London and the East
Midlands, all of whom run projects and organisations that are meeting unmet
social needs in innovative ways.

The graduations will celebrate the success and achievements
of these true changemakers. It will give them deserved recognition, and also
give an insight into how such individuals are changing the way we view the old
divide between private business and social welfare.

Those graduating include:

Sheenagh Day
, who has established Maison Bengal, a fair trade company
selling housewares and gift items from Bangladesh;

Charlotte Benstead
, who runs In-Spire, a community centre for learning and
the arts based in Walworth, South London;

Dave Pitchford
, who is setting up the first independent online
information and advice service for individual donors giving to charity.

The London event will be hosted by writer and broadcaster
Simon Fanshawe, and feature a keynote speech from Ed Miliband, Minister for the
Third Sector.

Miliband MP
“Today’s graduate social entrepreneurs are truly inspiring individuals
whose extraordinary initiative and driving social conscience demonstrate
just what the social enterprise movement is capable of achieving.

School for Social Entrepreneurs is in the vanguard of training a new generation of social
entrepreneurs, and must be congratulated on its success in
promoting better understanding of social enterprise and
embedding the desire to tackle injustice through community

Alastair Wilson, Chief Executive
of the School for Social Entrepreneurs
says: “Social entrepreneurs are
the ones making change in their communities and fields of work, challenging the
status quo, and solving the problems they find. They all deserve our
congratulation and continuing support.”


to Editors:

  1. The London graduation will take place at the Amnesty Human Rights Action Centre, EC2A 3EA, between 1pm and 5pm. The East Midlands graduation is at Chase Community Centre, a social enterprise in Nottingham, from 10.30am-2.30pm
  1. Twenty-five students will be entering the SSE Fellowship today; fourteen after graduating from the London School’s Ready Steady Grow programme, and a further eleven from the East Midlands SSE’s programme.
  1. For further information and interviews with social entrepreneurs contact: SSE on 020 8981 0300 or office [at] sse.org.uk

4.  The SSE was founded by serial
social entrepreneur Michael Young, who also established the Open University and
the Consumers’ Association. It provides support to individuals who are acting
entrepreneurially for social benefit, rather than personal profit. There are
now over 250 Fellows who have completed
the programme since 1998. See www.sse.org.uk
for more


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Events in the sector – June/July 2006

OK, quick round-up of some conferences/events coming up that might be of interest:

– first up, for those of an academic learning, the 3rd Social Enterprise Research Conference is taking place at London South Bank University on the 22nd-23rd June; see the list of papers here

– on the same day, the 23rd, Community Links are hosting the Living Values conference, at which their report on values in the sector (aiming to "encourage boldness") will be launched; should be an interesting and timely event, and you can read a snippet from the report (pdf) via their website

Social Firms Annual Conference, snappily titled ‘Shaping the Future: Supportive Employment, Successful Businesses", is on June 26th at my alma mater, Warwick University

– and, finally, the CICs – One Year On event is being held on July 10th; it promises to both celebrate and debate a year of the Community Interest Company…

If you have the time to go to them all, you’re clearly not working hard enough ;0)

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