Campaigners are social entrepreneurs…

SSE had the honour of attending the inaugural Sheila McKechnie Awards at the end of March. The organisation was set up (in honour of Sheila McKechnie and her work) to "support the next generation of campaigners". One of the main parts of this is the awards, and you can see the nominees and winners here, who work in a whole range of different areas, from Zimbabwe’s future, to school dinners in Merton (and beyond). Awesome people and, undeniably, social entrepreneurs both in their personal characteristics (driven, persistent, committed, prone to action) and in the organisations/vehicles they use (whatever helps them reach the goal/outcome they are after…..).

It was an inspiring evening, and, despite a heavyweight guest list including Terry Waite, Gordon Brown, Lord Puttnam and Shami Chakrabati, there was no doubt that the award-winners and nominees were the true stars of the show.

[P.S. Good to note also that SSE Fellow Crissy Townsend was featured on the introductory video…more of Crissy another time….]


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