Blogging social entrepreneurs…

Was delighted to discover a few blogging SSE students and Fellows the other day, so thought I would bring them to your attention:

– first up, the Blind Blogger, SSE Fellow Roger Wilson-Hinds, founder and chief entrepreneur of Screenreader, which provides low-cost / free screen-reading software to the visually impaired….thus ensuring thousands are not excluded; most recently, Screenreader has added the Duke of York as a patron, David Blunkett as a champion, and been commended in the ICT Hub Awards….

– second, a first post from Andy Gibson on the current weekly programme in London (project: the School of Everything); seems to be going OK so far, then…..

– meanwhile, SSE Fellow Nathalie McDermott leads the cavalry into web 2.0 via OnRoadMedia and via an article in today’s Society Guardian: ‘Voices of Freedom’

– and SSE Fife Fellow Mark Kelly is equally ambitious, as the domain name would suggest:


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