Social enterprise and entrepreneurship news round-up (end of May 07)

Massive backlog of notes and news, so here’s an attempt to clear the decks a little at the end of the week:

new Health and Care forum for social enterprises, prompted by the Social Enterprise Coalition

Social Stock Exchange is back on the political agenda, + check out the discussion on the subject on Catalyst’s blog

PBS are doing a fair bit of coverage on social entrepreneurs in the US with a whole new ‘Enterprising Ideas’ programme of work; get SROI blog’s take on it, and check out this health/franchising/Kenya video

– Rob Greenland has a couple of great posts on ‘Innovator, entrepreneur or manager‘ (if only all support organisations thought about such distinctions) and ‘Is social enterprise right for you?’

– There’s been the Quirk review on community asset transfer, and the new waste strategy; plenty of third sector in both

– Two Sustainability publications available as pdfs (if you register): Growing Opportunity (on growth of social entrepreneurship) and Raising our Game (on globalisation / sustainability)

article in the Guardian on Tom Savage, leading light of young social entrepreneurs; impressively outcome-driven, and flexible with structure to achieve his goals

– a group of organisations have got together to remind of the need for grants: absolutely right, particularly for new organisations starting up at the grassroots / locally; aimed at local authorities….

– our landlords the Young Foundation have released a new pamphlet on campaigning called Contentious Citizens; worth a read (and it’s not too long…)

–  the Women in Ethical Business Awards have been announced, with congratulations to the winners (Polly Gowers from Everyclick amongst them); the awards are sponsored by Triodos, which you can now buy shares in.

– some good social entrepreneur videos here from the Centre for Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship over in the US

– the Directory of Social Change has released a book called Leadership 101, offering "101 practical tips from two experienced charity sector leaders"

And a good quotation to end the week: "You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too." [Sam Rayburn]


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One thought on “Social enterprise and entrepreneurship news round-up (end of May 07)

  1. Regarding the social stock exchange.
    In the Netherlands we have not reached the point yet, but discussion IS still slowly starting, and of course looking at our neighbours with interest!
    See my log, mainly posts in 26, 19, 18 and 2 May.